Ramesh Babu

Ellicott City, MD - 21043 · (443) 424-2228 · rameshbabu.pv@gmail.com

• Analytics-driven leader with over 13+ years of experience in Fortune 200 industries in software development, design, and architecture
• Passionate in converting complex data into actionable, results-oriented business strategies
• Drove the migration of agile tools and methodologies from Rally to Jira and slashed millions in costs
• Key person in merging all jira projects, agile and scrum boards from Ebay and Paypal into single instance
• Architect and Lead programmer in implementing New-York disablity system


Data Science Immersive

General Assembly

Completed 480 hour+ Data Science Immersive program focused on predictive analytics, statistical modeling, and machine learning. Worked on 20+ labs, 6 projects, including:

  • Small Business Hack-A-Thon - Winner
    • As an architect and data scientist, designed tutor matching app with core value of security, confidentiality, accessibility, micro-service and artificial intelligence in mind.
    • Developed Machine learning Logistic regression to match tutor for a given assessment of a student.
    • For this proof of concept, developed two application one to get the student assignment and external app to pass on tutors info into the school system
  • Capstone Project - Predict Department
    • Capstone project classifying department/project in Jira ticketing tool by using NLP from a small snippet of conversation.
    • Utilized modeling techniques such as Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks, LSTM Networks, GRU, SimpleRNN and Dense Models.
    • For this proof of concept, I have created end-to-end architectue including standalone jira, PostgreSql Database and connecitng user frontend through REST-API
    • Developed a Flask web-app that takes user input as sentence and classify the department/project and create ticket in it.
  • Predicting Restaurant’s Operating Status is Open or Closed.
    • Collaborated with a team of data scientists to predict restaurant closures using Yelp Reviews.
    • Implemented a range of SKLearn models as well as a Neural Net usign KerasClassifier.
  • Web APIs & NLP
    • Classification Problem involving scraping 10,000 reddit post from 2 different subreddits and predicting which subreddit a particular post came from.
    • Techniques utilized included Natural Language Processing, web-scraping, and machine learning.

    November 2020 - March 2021

    Architect and senior System Engineer


    Championed a successful agile transformation at a global Fortune 200 organization as a Jira Administration Lead, serving over 1K teams ranging from 5 to 750 team members. Performed system administration, analytics, and environment set-up with Linux while supporting the backend with SQL and MySQL. Build plug-ins with Java and Groovy, and utilized existing plug-ins like Jira Workflow Toolbox and ScriptRunner with JQL to customize screens, fields, filters, dashboards and permissions. Integrated with BitBucket and constructed Confluence pages. Formed traceability from story to implementation.

    Febuary 2008 - December 2020

    Java J2EE Architect and Programmer

    Lockheed Martin

    Developed Electronic File Interface (EFI) for Social Security administration, allowing the disabled to file applications at nearby SSA offices with automatic transfers to the main Baltimore branch. Designed systems for Nebraska Social Security offices. Awarded for the successful delivery of the disability system for the New York Social Security and overcame the ambiguous environment

    Jun 2004 - Febuary 2008


    General Assembly

    Data Science Immersive
    Data Scientist and Data Engineer
    November 2020 - March 2021

    IRTT - Institute of Road and Transport Technology

    Electronics and Communication Engineer
    April 1989 - May 1993


    Programming Languages, Database, Tools & OS
    • Java / J2EE
    • Python
    • Docker
    • Jenkins
    • Linux
    • AWS
    • GCP
    • Oracle
    • Mysql
    • PostgreSQL
    • MongoDB
    • Anaconda
    • Groovy
    • NodeJS
    • git (github, bitbucket)
    • Jira
    • Confluence
    • Databricks
    • Apache Spark
    • R
    • scala
    Agile Methodlogy
    • Scrum Methodlogy
    • Kanban Methodlogy


    Apart from being an architect and a system admin, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors. Whenever I find time during the winter or summer, I usually drive to Shandovah to enjoy the skyline and watch the sunrise and sunsets. I often read some books by enjoying the mountain views.

    When forced indoors, I follow a lot of data science medium posts, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in data science, docker, git..etc

    Awards & Certifications

    • Winner of Small Business-- Hospitality and Services Hack-A-Thon
    • Implemented Disablity Program in New York state
    • Combained eBay and Paypal Jira instance into one
    • Migrated Rally users to Jira and Clarizen
    • 300+ Bravo award from paypal teams
    • 5+ Spot Awards from Paypal CEO, Directors and Mangers
    • Award and Dinner with Paypal CTO and his directs for successful ebay migration